Q: Why did you start this blog? A: Having long been convinced that the world needs my opinion, I've been meaning to start a blog like this for awhile. A friend asked for my take on the Godfather Doctrine, and it seemed a good first post.
Q: Tell me about yourself. A:I'm a VermontaSaigonaNewYorker. I grew up in upstate new york, a few miles from the Quebec border. I went to college in Vermont, an experience I recommend to anyone. For the past few years I've been getting a master's degree in International Relations and doing Web work for a nonprofit in New York City. In between, I lived in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, first as a foreign exchange student and later as an English teacher.
Q: I'd like to read your master's thesis on why the Internet has lead to democratization in Malaysia, but not in Singapore. A:I thought you'd never ask.